Photos Not Loading in your Vault?

Vishal V. Shekkar
The Cacti Blog
Published in
1 min readAug 17, 2020

tl;dr — Lock your vault and unlock it to view these images.

In some situations, images will not load in the Vault. This is done intentionally, don’t fret. All you have to do is lock your vault and unlock it to view them.

The scenario

If your vault is unlocked and you add images to it through the Share Extension, these new images will not load in the Vault grid view. This is because the images were added from outside the main app. Since Cacti doesn’t store the passphrase, the newly added images cannot be decrypted in that unlocked session.

Just locking your vault and unlocking it again would decrypt all the images including the newly added ones.

We don’t want to keep the passphrase in app memory for any duration longer than required to unlock your vault. We value safety over all else and small compromises such as these would help us stay secure.

Originally published at on August 17, 2020.

