Ten Women From Around The World Who Changed The Game For Their Gender

By Nidhi Khurana

We all talk about history almost every day. But have we ever wondered who creates history? Is it a man or a woman? Who informs him/her? What kinds of events are…

CW’s New Show Exposes The ‘Crazy Woman’ Stereotype As ‘Patriarchal Bullshit’

As Harris O’Malley wrote for The Washington Post in 2014: “’Crazy’ is one of the five deadly words guys use to shame women into compliance. The others: Fat. Ugly. Slutty. Bitchy.” And, true enough, I…

A Third Wave Of Feminism Is Rising — And Here’s Why We Need To Surf It Now

By Dr. Heather Brunskell-Evans for The Conversation:

We are witnessing the beginning of a third wave of feminism. Taking up the struggle of Victorian social reformers…

That’s What Zhe Said: Mx-ing Up The Language Of Gender

By Laurel Stvan for The Conversation

On January 8 the American Dialect Society announced “they” as its 2015 Word of the Year. Some may be surprised that the common pronoun beat out newcomers “on fleek” and…

The Cake
The Cake
Sugar, Spice and everything non-normative
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