Play Euro Fantasy and win prizes!

Come see the rewards for the winning Euro team managers

The Call-Up
3 min readJun 11, 2021


RealFevr has prizes for all tastes and shapes. These are the prizes for the biggest fans, those who follow all the games and who play every week in the hope of winning the final competition. And it’s only natural they would be handsomely rewarded when playing top competitions, and the Euro Fantasy is no exception!

So what can you expect to win when your hard work pays off?


  • 1st Place — 6 Months RealFevr Premium
  • 2nd Place — 3 Months RealFevr Premium
  • 3rd Place — 1 Month RealFevr Premium


  • 1st Place — Amazon 50 € Gift Card + Jersey RealFevr + T-Shirt RealFevr + 6 Months RealFevr Premium
  • 2nd Place — Jersey RealFevr + T-Shirt RealFevr + 3 Months RealFevr Premium
  • 3rd Place — T-Shirt RealFevr + 1 Month RealFevr Premium


  • 1st Place — Amazon 300€ Gift Card + Jersey RealFevr + T-Shirt RealFevr + 12 Months RealFevr Premium
  • 2nd Place — Amazon 150€ Gift Card + Jersey RealFevr + T-Shirt RealFevr + 6 Months RealFevr Premium
  • 3rd Place — Amazon 75€ Gift Card + Jersey RealFevr + T-Shirt RealFevr + 3 Months RealFevr Premium
  • 4rth Place — Amazon 50€ Gift Card + Jersey RealFevr + T-Shirt RealFevr + 1 Month RealFevr Premium
  • 5th Place — Amazon 25€ Gift Card + Jersey RealFevr + T-Shirt RealFevr + 1 Month RealFevr Premium

*Physical prizes will only be shipped to European countries

All is set for you to enjoy your favorite competitions. If you haven’t create your team yet, now’s your chance:

Good luck,

The RealFevr Team

