Blocking Is Self Care

Make sure to make frequent use of that block button!

Zara Everly
The Candid Cuppa


Photo by on Unsplash

There are some people who seem to take great pride in not blocking people on the internet. They wear it as some sort of badge of honor.

I am not one of those people.

I block for many many reasons. Those reasons include men who can’t take no for an answer. People who have personally insulted me. I have blocked people that I know in real life (depending on the account, I may be operating under a pseudonym- such as I am doing here).

I even block people pre-emptively.

I block people who are consistently hateful. I block the mean-spirited. I block those who seem to roam the internet looking for posts to shit on.

In these bipartisan times, it is not about what “side” they are on. I don’t care if we have ever interacted. If you are a consistently ugly human being, then I want to keep you away from me and prevent myself from having to know of your existence as much as possible.

Moreover, building on the idea of bipartisanship and the tribalism that is our general contemporary culture - I have found that more often than not, the voices that I block are the voices are that have been already well represented: mainly white, male voices who want to perpetuate racism and misogyny.



Zara Everly
The Candid Cuppa

Academic who occasionally forays into literary harlotry.