Inside Death Row June 2021

Brad Sigmon has 15 Days Left to Live

…and he’s suing the State for forcing him to choose between the electric chair and a firing squad.

Jessie London
The Candid Cuppa
Published in
4 min readJun 3, 2021


Brad Sigmon — Age 63

In possibly one of the strangest death row appeals, inmate Brad Sigmon is suing the State of South Carolina as they have been unable to obtain lethal injection drugs to execute him with.

Sigmon (63), along with another inmate named Freddie Owens, will be the first men to die in South Carolina under a new law that asks them to choose between the electric chair and a firing squad due to the lack of available lethal drugs.

Sigmon’s execution was previously stayed due to the lack of drugs. In fact, South Carolina has been unable to execute anyone since 2011 for this reason.

The case against the State, Sigmon claims, is that he was sentenced in 2002 under a law that included execution by lethal injection and he is not subject to subsequent laws permitting death by electric chair and firing squad.

Brad Sigmon is due to be executed in 15 days' time.

In only one day’s time, he will need to choose between the two available methods. Should he fail to choose, South Carolina’s new default method is the electric chair — disturbingly…



Jessie London
The Candid Cuppa

Full-time Author & Writer of fiction & fact. British lady who loves tea with milk and bland biscuits.