The Unsolved Murder of Deanna Cremin

A teenage girl is murdered, and city officials may have hidden important information from investigators.

Jennifer Baldwin
The Candid Cuppa


Somerville, Massachusetts (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Somerville, Massachusetts (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

A teenage girl with a full life ahead of her was found brutally murdered. Her case went cold, but years later the police discovered city officials may have had information they tried to hide from investigators. Now they hope they are closer to finding answers.

The teenage years are full of hope and wonder for so many young people. They are full of big dreams and high hopes, but they rarely expect their lives to end tragically or at a young age.

Deanna Cremin

Deanna Cremin was a seventeen-year-old student at Somerville High School in Somerville, Massachusetts. She was part of the Child Development Program at school and worked with 3rd graders. She had dreams of becoming a preschool teacher when she grew up.

Deanna came from a large, lower-middle-class family and had two sisters and three brothers. She often looked after her little brothers and mothered them in her own way. Besides caring for her family, she stayed busy with a job at the local market and volunteered at Somerville Cable Access Television Network.



Jennifer Baldwin
The Candid Cuppa

Teacher * Psychology * Unsolved Crime * Forensics * Mystery * Animal Lover * Fashion * Southern California