7 Ideas from the NFL That You Can Use to Improve Your Business

The NFL has so much to teach us.

Cait Mack
The Capital


In honor of the NFL Playoffs, I decided to rack my brain for a few lessons the NFL can teach us about business. The NFL is a huge and successful beast of a business, and I don’t think it’s going anywhere anytime soon. Those are the kind of businesses we could all learn a thing, or seven, from.

1. Look for the intangibles.

When hiring new talent, look for the things you can’t coach up such as positive attitude, intelligence, and grit. Those are things you can’t teach a new hire. You can teach your ways/skills and procedures. Even wisdom will be learned over time, but those intangibles, they’re either there, or they’re not.

2. Coach up from within.

When you need a first string role filled, bring in one of your second string employees to fill the gap. Don’t go searching outside. Trust in your original draft strategy and work with the talent you’ve acquired, trained, and invested in.

3. Eye on the Lombardi.



Cait Mack
The Capital

I simplify everything so you can focus on crushing life FREE resources: caitmackcs.gumroad.com