Bitcoin Bull Max Keiser Predicts $220,000 in 2021

Max Keiser says $220,000 is in play.

Bitcoin Binge
The Dark Side


Max Keiser is a constant in a growing sea of voices around bitcoin.

He predicts bitcoin will hit $220,000 in 2021.

In the early days of January, bitcoin has risen an unprecedented $21,000 in 21 days. It’s on a monstrous run-up in the face of additional quantitative easing, COVID complexities, and a struggling US dollar.

Central Banks Are Over-Leveraged

Keiser predicts that a major central banks will collapse in 2021.

Central banks are highly leveraged, 50–60–70 to 1 in some cases. He calls it a recipe for disaster that will start an avalanche out of fiat money.

His concern is valid.

In 2017 and 2018, central banks went on a gold buying spree. Why? Because they’re looking for stability and a hedge against both the US dollar and inflation.

Central banks also have a history of buying gold for these exact reasons. They know how to do it. It’s a muscle they’re familiar with.

It is possible that central banks will join the institutional rush toward…

