Checking out 3 Blockchain-based Music sites: Emanate, Audius, and UJO

Turn on, tune in, shake the tokens out…..

Ade M. Campbell
The Capital


The big deal with blockchain for musicians or artists is: better rewards from users streaming or buying your content online since it’s more peer-to-peer. Your music is registered automatically to you on a global open registry.

Another aspect: a more community-run platform, perhaps via a governance crypto-token to handle decisions on removing content, changes to the platform. Then, and perhaps the ultimate one: your music or audio creations remain available on a persistant platform, via decentralised storage options. That way, even if the founding company folds, the platform carries on.

Receiving rewards in crypto either from people streaming or buying your albums or music via smart contract is great. It might mean you keep some of those rewards in the active wallet for other uses in the ecosystem: purchasing mastering services, graphic design, or just discovering and tipping others via playlists.

In other words: the platform starts to have its own (increasingly valuable) currency as the website grows. It’s a brave new world for the ‘music site’ thanks to crypto.

These advantages may not be easy to grasp for every one used to centralised services like…



Ade M. Campbell
The Capital

Writer, artist, permaculture explorer of new tech, generative AI, VR, web3, NFTs: Ade’s Press