Cryptocurrencies or real estate?

The Capital
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2021


According to a study, just over a fifth of Australians prefer to invest in cryptocurrencies rather than conventional asset classes.

Confidence in conventional forms of investment is declining worldwide. In particular, falling interest rates on savings accounts lead more and more people to look for alternatives. These include shares, real estate, or, for some years now, cryptocurrencies. Increasingly, cryptocurrencies are also being used to buy other asset classes such as real estate.

Kraken study on cryptocurrencies as a form of investment

The crypto exchange Kraken has now conducted a study that examines the popularity of Bitcoin and Co. as a form of investment. According to the study, 22 percent of Australians believe cryptocurrencies would beat other asset classes.

Among millennials (born between 1981 and 1996), the trend towards cryptocurrencies is even more pronounced. Around 40 percent of this age group, for example, see the purchase of cryptocurrencies as a good alternative to buying real estate.

Also, 31 percent of Australians born between 1960 and 1980 see cryptocurrencies as the better investment option. For Generation Z — born between the late 90s and 2010 — on the other hand, it was only 24 percent — though this is also a good figure.



The Capital

Yoga-inspired Crypto Nomad. Balancing #Bitcoin and asanas. Join me for a joyride through #crypto, #yoga, and the digital nomad life. Good vibes only! 💡🧘‍♂️💰