How To Convert Bitcoins to Ethereum

By on The Capital
The Dark Side
5 min readJun 20, 2020


Bitcoin is certainly a good investment according to experts. Even Bill Gates openly endorsed Bitcoin. But you should also know that there are other cryptocurrencies.

It’s wise to also invest in other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Litecoin.

In this article, I will share how to convert Bitcoin into Ethereum, Litecoin, or any other cryptocurrency.

The above three tutorials will help you get a good grasp of how you can get your first Bitcoin. Now, let’s move ahead with the tutorial of how to swap Bitcoin with other cryptocurrencies.

Convert Bitcoins to Ethereum Instantly Using Changelly:

Changelly is a fully-fledged platform that lets you convert any cryptocurrency into any other. For example, in this case, we have 1 BTC & we want to convert it into Ethereum. With Changelly, this could be done instantly.

Here is how to get started:

  • Click on Exchange & on the next page you will get the details of the transaction.
  • Do note, Changelly would require you to create an account using an email address. This is a good thing as you can anytime login to your Changelly account in the future & see all your conversions.

Click on next & enter your Ethereum wallet address where you want to receive the converted Ether. You can see the list of the most popular and best Ethereum wallets here.

Click on next & on this page you will see the details of the conversion you are making. If everything looks ok, click on confirm & make payment.

On the next page, you will see the QR code & the Bitcoin Wallet address in which you need to send the BTC to convert it into ETH. After sending the payment, you can close the tab as you will get email notification when everything is done.

I have used Changelly service many times in the past to convert Bitcoins into Ethereum, Dash & also Stratis. Here is a snapshot of my account history page:

Register an account on Changelly

Meet Shapeshift: Fastest Way To Exchange Bitcoin to Ethereum

Like Changelly, Shapeshift is a currency swapping website which does one thing: Allows users to exchange between Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

So let’s say you want to exchange Bitcoin for Ethereum.

You need just two things:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum wallet address

If you are converting to something else apart from Etherium, you just need to know the wallet address where you can receive the converted currency.

If you don’t have an Ethereum wallet address, you can sign up for Coinbase & get an Ethereum wallet address for free or refer to this guide for best Ethereum wallets.

Once you have fulfilled both requirements, head over to

Select Bitcoin in Deposit & Ethereum in Receive under the “Choose Which Coins to Trade” option.

Click on Continue. This is where you need to add your Ethereum wallet address & your Bitcoin address.

The Bitcoin wallet address is not necessary, but it’s useful in case a refund needs to be made.

In this case, I’m transferring 0.5 BTC to ETH.

Once you have entered the amount & your wallet address, click on Start Transaction. On the next page, you will get the address to send it to.

Note: You only have 10 minutes to make this transaction.

For this tutorial, I’m sending Bitcoin from my Unocoin wallet to the wallet address provided above:

Usually, it takes about 30–60 seconds for this transaction to happen & you will see a success screen like this:

That means that Bitcoin has been successfully converted into Ethereum & it has been transferred to your Ethereum wallet address.

The Ethereum wallet in your Coinbase account will show the new amount, but it will be in a ‘Pending’ state for about 30 minutes until is it verified by the network.

However, you don’t need to worry at this point, as within a few more minutes the transaction will be verified & your Coinbase Ethereum wallet will be loaded with the converted amount.

Shapeshift also has a smartphone app that you can download from the below link.

Download iOS App || Download Android app

Update: ShapeShift who earlier used to have no registration policy for using their services is now turning off that facility. ShapeShift is now introducing ShapeShift membership programme which will require you to have KYC. So accordingly make your choices !!


Well, this is an example of converting Bitcoin into Ethereum.

You can follow the same guide to convert Bitcoin into Nubits, Omni, Peercoin, Monacoin, or any other altcoins. If you have any problem making this exchange happen or have any queries, feel free to ask me via the comment section below.


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