Keep Your Crypto FOMO in Check: Stop Pouring Money Based on Hype

and start investing in accelerating your knowledge instead.

Rivo Kienan
The Capital


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It was August of 2017.

When my friend showed me how easy it was to invest in Bitcoin, I was instantly hooked.

The obsession was so intense that I could hardly sleep. I spent hours watching random YouTuber’s rave about the next big Crypto that will change humanity. Every crypto coin or token I came across felt an exceptional investment opportunity.

I would eagerly wait for my salary to come in, only to pour it straight into new crypto projects. The euphoria was further fueled as I watched my portfolio rise in value significantly by December 2017.

It wasn’t long before my bubble of becoming an overnight millionaire burst magnificantly as the market came crashing down.

I, like many, was left holding a big bag of useless cryptos as my net-worth eroded significantly.

Although my journey into cryptocurrencies didn’t make me an overnight millionaire, it did teach me a lot about investing, financial…



Rivo Kienan
The Capital

Ex-Entrepreneur | Digital Consultant | Tech enthusiast | Positive thinker