Passive Income Is Not A Lie

Your expectations are though

James Ssekamatte
The Capital


Photo by Chiara Daneluzzi on Unsplash

Last night, I was watching a youtube video of this favorite vlogger of mine that has not posted in over 7 months. 10 seconds into the video, I was hit with an ad and it for some reason got me thinking about the nature of passive income and our expectations about it. And here comes my rant.

Passive income is defined as the income that requires little to no effort to earn and maintain.

When it comes to online passive income specifically, many people take the above statement to mean that you just have to click a few buttons and like a flip of a switch, turn on the perpetual flow of money into their lives.

I have seen even great businessmen fall for these scams many of which were in the MLM and Cryptocurrency industries.

The promise for a never-ending supply of money with almost no work on your part is really appealing but just like in marketing, they do not sell you the process, they sell you the potential.

Yes, the potential is that you can set up a stream of income that outlives you without ever needing to work again but you not only can never get satisfaction out of that kind of life, but you also have to engage in the process of getting there if you desire such conditions.

