Stock Market Analysis with R programming language

Analyzing the performance of Indian stocks amidst this pandemic

Nikhil Adithyan


Photo by M. B. M. on Unsplash


The stock market of India fell by 41.2% to be precise during the period between January to April. At the starting of this year, most of the companies were at their peak and turned down to be 52 weeks low (considered as lowest ever in the year). Now, the stock market started recovering and the gain percentage in an average is 43% but still, there are pending recovery values that need to be retrieved. This analysis is taken sector-wise and is compared with the NSE (National Stock Exchange) indices movement. All these data and scrutiny (observation) is between Jan-01–2020 to Jun-09–2020. This analysis also reveals how the stocks and index performed during this period and which are the best and worst recovered companies.

R as an Analysis Tool

R programming language is considered one of the powerful languages for Data Science and it is also very accessible for users. The software used for coding R is RStudio and there are also other platforms to code R which you can prefer. This language is widely used by Statisticians and Data miners for data analysis and for developing statistical software. Let’s see how to do Stock Analysis with R :



Nikhil Adithyan

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