Streaming Killed The Video Store

Options for video enthusiasts have come a long way since we used to head to the local video store to pick up a movie on VHS or DVD.

The Capital


source: Digital Trends

Against conventional opinion at the time, the convenience of online video streaming has gone on to completely disrupt and eclipse its predecessor. It has progressed to account for over 75% of all internet traffic in 2017 and is projected to exceed 82% by 2022, amongst the estimated 4.8 billion internet users (over 60% of the global population), according to the Cisco VNI Global IP Traffic Forecast.[1]

source: Cisco

Concurrently, the virtual reality traffic market that includes 360° video streaming is expected to grow 12x over the same time period.[1]

source: Cisco

There is no doubt that the market for video streaming has seen, and continues to see phenomenal growth as technological advancements have provided the improved infrastructure required to make them increasingly feasible. Millennials between the ages of 18…

