The Secret to Investing in Cryptocurrency

What No One Wants You To Know.

Nick Sokol, PhD
The Capital


It’s a really simple secret. Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash.

What is the one thing about cryptocurrency that most people do not want you to know? Have you ever felt like everybody else has made more money than you invest? Odds are, you have probably met someone who has discussed making money by investing in cryptocurrencies on more than one occasion. Well, after months of reading and investing myself, I think I have discerned the one secret everyone needs to know when they are about to invest in cryptocurrency.

Invest for the Future Not the Here and Now

Yes, the above is the one true secret. My most coveted piece of knowledge before I lay down any money on any asset. “But I want to be rich now!” Sorry, it does not work like that.

Getting in early is often a term used by many investors, but that old wisdom has not changed. The folks who made lots of money off of cryptocurrency and even stocks invested early and reaped the rewards by holding onto their investments during times in which its value plummets. In fact, many investors take the opportunity to average out their portfolio by investing even more during periods in which the price has decreased.

The fact of the matter is Bitcoin owners waited years before they saw their riches. Between 2008 and 2021…



Nick Sokol, PhD
The Capital

I write about Sustainability, ClimateTech, Entrepreneurialism, Technology, and Software Engineering.