The Top Ten Cryptocurrencies to Invest in for September 2021

The Top Coins for Wealth Gain this Month

Nick Sokol, PhD
The Capital


Pick up These Cryptocurrencies Today. Photo by Executium from Unsplash.

This month’s updates take a number of factors such as market health and accessibility into consideration for the list. September will likely see further gains in the cryptocurrency space as inflation continues to take a toll on the value of currencies across the globe.

Last month I wrote an article about the top ten cryptocurrencies to invest in for August of 2021. That article seemed to help out many who were wondering where to deposit their money for some growth of their money. Well, based off of reader feedback, I have decided to make this a monthly listing that would hopefully continue to help people. In addition to that, I will compare my updated selections to the previous month’s selections, this way, I can provide a brief analytical breakdown of the cryptocurrency space and why I moved certain assets up or down on the list. If you have any suggestions for how to improve the listing, let me know!

10. Terra/LUNA (No Change)

No change to Terra/LUNA platform this month. With the recent gains in the market, this coin is on the path to continued growth for holders.

Terra is a unique coin that offers a wider variety of advantages and financial benefits to…



Nick Sokol, PhD
The Capital

I write about Sustainability, ClimateTech, Entrepreneurialism, Technology, and Software Engineering.