We’re Probably Wrong About the Universe & Cryptocurrencies Too

Probability theory is a convenient oversimplification of the randomness of our universe, just as most cryptocurrency trading algorithms represent an oversimplification of the markets.

Patrick Tan
The Capital


George Crowley was very good at any job, so long as the job never required him to look beyond the tip of his nose.

So it was no surprise then when he dropped out of high school and bounced from job to job before ending up as bricklayer.

Day in and day out, Crowley would trudge to new job site after job site, laying bricks with the precision and passion of a man who knew nothing else.

And in Crowley’s case, that was true.

Part of the reason why he had never been any good at school was because Crowley never understood what any particular subject was for, what was it’s practical purpose?

With bricklaying, at least things were clear, a wall not laid straight will collapse one day — it didn’t matter if it were a small council house in the suburbs of London or a 100-floor office tower in Canary Wharf.



Patrick Tan
The Capital

General Counsel for ChainArgos, the blockchain intelligence firm made famous for breaking the story that BUSD was unbacked by US$1.4bn