What Is A Token?

And How Does It Differ From A Security?

Daniel Mark Harrison
The Dark Side
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2019


A previously deleted podcast interview conducted by Goldseek.com’s Chris Waltzeg with Daniel Mark Harrison in July 2017 about the decentralized hedge fund model later manifest in the form of the Futereum Network is re-released here by TheCurrencyJournal.

The interview is noteworthy for the distinction Harrison makes between tokens and securities, in particular Coeval, what was then a front-page CoinMarketCap.com digital currency.

“A token is a very new financial instrument … the token is a blank canvas that you can ascribe any sort of value onto. Security is an asset which is fixed according to an asset or an income value backing it but there is nothing backing a token like ours because a token is nothing of this sort (of product) … most of the value built into tokens is this phenomenal HR (human resources) value in fact. In other words, we essentially have all these very, very bright individuals working collectively together creating huge amounts of value on the back of (creating) a unit of digital exchange,” Harrison explains.

“We are just trying to put this token out and say, ‘look, this is what you make of it.”

This previously unavailable podcast offers listeners an interesting primer for those who are curious about the foundations of the Futereum Network and for anyone who has before now been left in the dark about what was really advertised on Goldseek Radio by the Futereum creator in the early days.

“This will end up being the most important interview in 12 years of this show,” summarises Waltzeg.

