Why Defi has overtaken NFTs as the hottest blockchain trend

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Sophia Casey
The Capital
3 min readOct 26, 2020


Blockchain’s rise has taken the world by storm, paving the way for new technologies where blockchain finds numerous use cases across various segments. The world is moving slowly toward Web 3, and by embracing innovations such as blockchain, it is seeking new forms of innovation and growth. Earlier, when blockchain was considered an obstacle, things have now changed, and for many organisations, it has become one of the main pillars of growth. In this blog, we will talk about how DeFi is being taken over by NFT.

What’s Defi?

Before understanding what NFT is and how DeFi is affected, let’s have a key understanding of what decentralized finance or DeFi is exactly. It’s a kind of peer-to-peer financial exchange running on Blockchain. For inexperienced investors, however, this platform is not suitable. Platforms such as DeFi have become a remnant of the past.

What are Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs?

The modern normal of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are NFTs. These are unique cryptographic tokens, which, unlike fungible cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, are mutually interchangeable. NFTs are the hope of the future owing to this non-fungible existence of tokens. While there may be many NFT applications, they are currently finding a multitude of uses in the gaming industry.

From the smart contract standard- ERC-721, the idea of NFT originated. It was used for specific digital assets earlier, but it has now become central to the conversion of digital commodities into digital assets.

There may be many instances of using digital content, but gaming is one of the top applications. In the gaming industry, integrating NFT means you can use one game‘s characters, skins and equipment, and abilities in another game. This means that the NFTs can be traded in simple terms, and in another game, you can use the tokens.

Although NFT discovers many use cases and provides excellent features, an environment can not be built where the end-user can use NFT to relate to digital applications.

Here comes the Defi role. To create new possibilities, we should combine all of these. Users can engage in their NFTs and earn rewards. With this, a new ecosystem can be developed, which with wider applications, can generate a move towards decentralization.

What’s next?

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are complex in nature, and every day in this area, we are experiencing new innovations. The only aim of this change is to build a smoothly operating, decentralized structure. The Blockchain developers are working hard on this and are building a secure and free framework from the mistake.

The recent changes and advances in Blockchain are also paving the way for the market for Blockchain professionals and Blockchain experts who can build a new framework with their expertise.

If you, too, are ready to make a name for yourself in the area of Blockchain technology, then now is the time to sign up for the Blockchain certification program provided by the Council of Blockchain.



Sophia Casey
The Capital

I’m a Blockchain Expert | I’ll help you to make a good understanding of Advance Technology —Blockchain.