Why I’m Mining Ravencoin

And the state of crypto mining.

Bitcoin Binge
The Capital


I mine crypto to stack Bitcoin.

That’s my goal — ultimately earning more BTC by converting the mining rewards from my GPU mining rig.

In 2020, I built an Ethereum mining rig. I got the rig up and running right before the cryptocurrency bull market. Soon after, there was a graphics cards shortage and any available or secondhand rig parts were overpriced.

While I was able to add cards to my rig in late 2020, I waited until August 2021 to add another. I was able to get one GPU at a Micro Center for MSRP. The supply chains seem to be catching up but products are still limited — the Micro Center limited customers to one GPU per person.

The Ethereum London upgrade went into effect and miners and mining pools are feeling its impact.

I started my GPU crypto mining journey on Ethereum.

I bought ETH first in 2016 and a large part of my cryptocurrency portfolio is due to those early ETH purchases. Those, along with the Bitcoin I bought in 2015, are responsible for the bulk of my current holdings.

ETH 2.0’s Impact on Mining

