Vhinny Investing

Why Should I Invest?

A convincing argument to start investing your money

Vitalii Dodonov
Vhinny Investing
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2020


Image by eelnosiva

Investing is and has always been a way to earn one’s personal and financial freedom. Yet, many of us avoid the subject altogether, assuming it is too risky, too time-consuming, or concluding that money is not important. In this article, I look into how investing may enable your potential and other non-material aspirations.

Why we don’t invest

Many of us think or say: “Money is not important to me.” Indeed, in a well-established society where our levels of income exceed our basic needs, making money diminishes its priority. We tend to focus more on experience rather than material goals. Why saving up for a house when the money may be spent on travelling, never having to settle? Why doing long hours at work and advancing our career, when it takes away from our personal space, family, and friends? Why restrict ourselves in spending, saving up for the future, when the best time of our lives is now. These questions are just the surface of reasons for why we don’t invest. It’s important to acknowledge them before we move on.

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Vitalii Dodonov
Vhinny Investing

Co-founder, Head of Engineering at Stan - enabling creators to become entrepreneurs.