Women Leaders in Blockchain are Good for Business

Justin Roberti
The Capital
Published in
7 min readMar 19, 2021


Women leading in blockchain believe gender diversity isn’t just a matter of what is right for humanity, but also what is right for business.

Due to a historically challenging 2020, the National Women’s History Alliance, organizers of Women’s History Month in March, has extended its centennial celebrations. So the theme this year is “Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to be Silenced.”

To many, cryptocurrency is about money and nothing else — but money and social issues are inseparable considerations when viewed from a macro scale, and the ideal of equal participation in an ecosystem that incentivizes positive participation is in the DNA of the Bitcoin whitepaper.

Further, disrupting traditional, centralized finance to open new opportunities for people that are otherwise excluded is central among the values of the crypto community and mentioned in most of the hundreds of blockchain project white papers that we’ve read.

The National Policy Network of Women of Color in Blockchain recently hosted an online event “National Briefing of Women of Color in Blockchain — Women’s History Month”, which according to a tweet by founder Cleve Mesidor the event included six Members of U.S. Congress and…



Justin Roberti
The Capital

Justin has written & made media for 20+ yrs— gaming, media, tech, fintech, & web culture. Producer https://www.growthmanifesto.com/podcast . Twitter: @sensible