Shining Light on Climate Depression

Doug Hull
The Carbon Almanac Media
2 min readApr 4, 2022
Photo by Ky0n Cheng on Flickr

It’s easy to feel depressed about the state of the world today. To feel like no matter what you do, you can’t make a difference.

“Why should I reduce my carbon footprint when our leaders continue to support the fossil fuel industry?”

“Why bother composting when there are bombs exploding on the other side of the planet?”

“Why can nobody see the real reasons for the extreme weather patterns we are starting to see?”

I often feel that way, and I know others do too. It is very normal to have days when you just feel like giving up on all those green initiatives.

So, what can we do?

The answer to the darkness is to shine the light of awareness onto the problem, and educate ourselves. Then, find some way to contribute — no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, because every little bit helps.

Then, go out and find others to talk to about the issues we face, and understand that there are others who feel the same as we do.

The Carbon Almanac is a torch. A bright solar-powered LED torch to shine brilliant light on the problems of climate change. It is the light of awareness and hope. It is also a pathway to finding opportunities to contribute, and a conversation-starter with others in the community.

If you are looking for a way out of the darkness of climate depression and anxiety, The Carbon Almanac may be just what you need right now.

Doug Hull is a program manager, writer, and member of The Carbon Almanac Network. Learn more at



Doug Hull
The Carbon Almanac Media

Doug Hull is a program manager, writer, and member of The Carbon Almanac Network. Learn more at