The Carbon Almanac is Not About You. It’s About Us.

Richie Biluan
The Carbon Almanac Media
2 min readApr 11, 2022



When I answered the call to contribute to The Carbon Almanac, I felt like an imposter.

“They must have gotten some email addresses mixed up.”

“What am I doing here with these great marketers and writers?”

“I’m an artist, not a scientist. I don’t belong.”

“What could I possibly do to help write an almanac?”

These were just some of the thoughts that raced through my mind, but it didn’t seem to matter. There was work to be done, so I picked up what I felt I could. Though I was intimidated at first, I quickly realized that any brick I lay is a service to all. And this is what it felt like. Everything helps.

With over 300 other volunteers across the globe, The Carbon Almanac was born. Together, we created the content, searched for and communicated the facts, and collected the images, creating something great together. Something bigger than myself.

To my surprise, the experience revealed itself to be much more.

Our common goal made for an inclusive environment — a collaborative and productive place that operated with kindness. No one is authorized to write page 19, but It needs to be written. And who better than you? Anytime you showed up, it was about answering a call to finish something, somewhere. To move the needle, at no offense to anyone’s ego because this is about the planet.

It’s not about you. It’s about us.

It’s not about who does the work. It’s about the work getting done.

The act of working and collaborating together in this way feels like the real answer to climate change. Don’t leave anyone out. You are important. Anyone can help. In fact, it really should be you.

A workspace with no ego?

A selfless collaboration for the greater good?

I didn’t know this place could exist, but it does, and it feels like it might help save the planet.

Richie Biluan is a photographer and member of The Carbon Almanac Network. Learn more at



Richie Biluan
The Carbon Almanac Media

Richie is a Hawaii-based freelance creative.