Think Differently About Solving the Climate Crisis.

Richie Biluan
The Carbon Almanac Media
2 min readApr 11, 2022
photo by Richie Biluan

With big issues like climate change, it’s easy to get lost in all of the information (and misinformation) out there. It’s hard to find the truth, have an informed discussion, and know how to help.

Here are some ways to start thinking differently about climate change, and how you can help.

It’s not just on you.

We have been programmed to think that it’s all on us, as individuals, to help solve the climate crisis. Things like shifting our personal consumer habits, recycling, and eating less meat help, but not fast enough. At the rate at which the earth is warming, we are going to need systemic shifts in policy and collective action to alleviate catastrophic climate events. That means thinking about getting involved in community and civic groups, local politics, and more.

You need an unbiased source of truth and reliable information.

The Carbon Almanac is a book of facts on carbon. Created, sourced, and fact-checked carefully by a global team of volunteers. It is a great tool to understand concepts, where we are in the midst of the climate crisis, and to share with others who want to be informed. We all need a tool like this — an unbiased source of truth to help us make decisions to ensure a safe future on this planet for all of us.

Share credible information and act on your ideas.

If you think something is important, share it. Connect with others. The more we all know, the more we can help. If you’re curious as to why something has not been started in your neighborhood, go start it. Maybe it has to be you after all. Put yourself on the hook. Help where you can. We need you.

Richie Biluan is a photographer and member of The Carbon Almanac Network. Learn more at



Richie Biluan
The Carbon Almanac Media

Richie is a Hawaii-based freelance creative.