We Have Data and Tech. What Are We Waiting For?

Jo Petroni
The Carbon Almanac Media
2 min readApr 6, 2022
Photo by Natalyia Vaitkevich from Pexels

Many times, we want to find a technology — the technology — that saves the day and then we could go on doing business as usual and the world problems would be solved. The quick fix.

It’s like waiting to win the lottery.

But we need to work to get what we want — for ourselves and the earth. We need to roll up our sleeves and make real change happen.

I have this ongoing discussion with a group I spend time with. We are trying to map out the ways that we can have an impact on climate change, in the form of individual and collective actions.

But we have a hard time coming to grips with asking people to do the harder things. Because behavior change is hard.

That’s why we need systemic change.

It’s going to take more than a few people recycling or eating less meat. But bringing those same few people together in an intelligent and thoughtful way to get the ball rolling towards broader change might work.

That’s because finding collective solutions is what we humans are good at. We’re also good at organizing. We have the data and the tech we need. What’s missing is a common understanding of what the problem is.

The Carbon Almanac is putting it all together in an engaging, easy-to-read format, listing the solutions that we’ve tried, what worked and what didn’t. It brings to light the information we need. The Carbon Almanac is a tool for getting together and finding solutions.

Our starting point, and we can use it together.

It’s not too late.

Jo Petroni is an architect, teacher, and member of The Carbon Almanac Network. Learn more at thecarbonalmanac.org.



Jo Petroni
The Carbon Almanac Media

Permarchitecture.net | Passive-cooling strategies | Regenerative design | Jo consults and trains in bioclimatic, biophilic & low-carbon architecture.