The Planet Needs You!

Michel Porro
The Carbon Almanac Media
3 min readApr 8, 2022
Photo by ©Michel Porro

You’re here because around 2,000 volunteers from over 90 countries teamed up for many thousands of hours to create The Carbon Almanac.

We are researchers, published authors, corporate and nonprofit leaders, and designers. We are also home painters, photographers, office clerks, film makers, economists, and traveling cyclists. We are you. We’re all doing something to make ends meet. Many of us do what we love and all of us are human. We built a foundational source of truth about climate change.

You see climate change happening, and you want to know what to do about it. But first you need to know how to talk about it. For the first time, anyone can be empowered to engage in conversation about climate change — to talk about what is happening right now, and where we’re headed. It’s fun to read and easy to share.

The Carbon Almanac is a breakthrough, collaborative work that offers climate science facts — without the noise, confusion, or agendas — to help each of us become well-informed about climate change.

The skilled team that made this is just as worried as you are. Instead of waiting another year for governments, politicians, or organizations to solve our problems, we decided to create the Almanac now. The selfless and devoted participation of everybody involved in making the Almanac shines through on every page.

“It’s time for a shared truth based on established facts,” says entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author Seth Godin, who organized the project. “Our goal is to start a conversation around the world and around the neighborhood. We need systems solutions to our systems problem, and it won’t happen if we don’t connect and communicate.”

The Carbon Almanac draws on more than 1,000 data points, using cartoons, quotes, illustrations, tables, histories, and articles to map carbon’s impact on agriculture, economy, and health. It breaks down what climate change is, the relationships between population and emissions, solutions for restoring our planet, and more.

Everyone who contributed to the book worked as a volunteer, and all of our advance and any royalties goes 100% into free copies and promotion to spread the word about the Almanac.

The book provides practical, actionable tools for creating change from wherever you are and connects you to a worldwide web of passionate planet-lovers who are contributing to systems change. We joined forces for something bigger than ourselves.

We invite you to join The Carbon Almanac Network by purchasing, reading, and sharing it with others.

It’s not too late.

Michel Porro is a photographer and a lifelong volunteer for environmental causes. He is a member of The Carbon Almanac Network. Learn more at

