“Staring At”

Sankalp Shekhar
The Card Menagerie
Published in
1 min readMay 3, 2019

Staring at the sky, watching the clouds sail by,
As dark as it gets, somehow, I still go by;

Staring at the vast emptiness, reminds me of someone familiar;
The one that’s hard to perceive, yet, easy to remember;

Uncannily enough, he stares back at me,
As if in an attempt to seek his dominance in my world;
The world, that was once the epitome of blitheness to him,
Had turned its tides,
and uncovered the agony beneath;

Failing to realize, that the world was sinusoidal,
he protested,
A satyagraha, with perpetual silence;
His silence screamed loud enough, and the message was bold and clear;

Wink of an eye with a victory sign,
Conveyed that everything up there was fine;
Waving high with a tear in my eye,
Kept me glued to the sky all night.

