
Career Connections

Jacques Soine
The Career Accelerator
3 min readOct 19, 2023


The Coach that Tripled my Sales

Contributing value should be the starting point for reaching out to new connections.

Building connections with leaders and influencers in your field can be a game-changer for your career or business. These individuals have established themselves as leaders and usually have a wide network of followers and supporters. However, approaching them with a request for support upfront is not the most effective strategy. Instead, focus on adding value to them first. By simply engaging with their content, sharing ideas, asking good questions and offering thanks for their guidance, you can build authentic connections, and these may lead to long-term relationships and opportunities.

In 2014 I was working on a writing project that I was struggling to get off the ground. I eventually purchased a digital course from a prominent coach in the field to help with the process. True to form, the project was subsequently successfully completed within the promised timeframe. I reached out to say thank you and chatted to her assistant. My success story ended up being featured in her newsletter that month, and the resulting impact was a 300% increase in sales!

Let’s explore some simple ways to connect with leaders by adding value, rather than starting out by asking for their support on our career journey.

Engage with their content

One of the simplest and most effective ways to connect with influencers and leaders is by engaging with their content online. This includes liking, sharing, and commenting on their posts, articles, or videos. By doing so, you not only show your interest and support, but also increase their visibility to your own network. Genuine engagement can catch their attention and make them more likely to notice you.

Offer testimonials and reviews

If you have worked with them, used their products or services and had a positive experience, consider leaving a positive review. This can be done through social media, on their website, or even through a personal email. Testimonials and reviews provide valuable social proof that helps them to build trust and credibility. By offering your feedback, you demonstrate your appreciation for their work and contribute to their success.

Share case studies or success stories

If you have achieved notable results or success using strategies or techniques advocated by influencers or leaders, consider sharing them as case studies. This can be done through a post, personal email, or more formal channels. This is a great way to provide value and is usually appreciated. Showcasing your achievements, provides social proof, boosts their credibility, and their inclination to engage with you.

Engage in their communities

Many leaders have online communities or forums where like-minded individuals discuss industry-related topics and share ideas. Engaging in these communities can be an excellent way to connect with them and other professionals in your field. Contribute valuable insights, answer questions, ask good questions, and participate in discussions. By actively participating, you demonstrate your value and commitment to the community, which can lead to valuable connections and opportunities.

Other ways to connect include promoting their events, collaborating on content, sharing relevant resources, strategic introductions, attending their workshops, volunteering to assist on a project (showcase your value), and most of all, be patient and authentic. Building business relationships is a two-way street. By adding value first, you set the foundation for a mutually beneficial connection.

