WFL Days: A Way To Support Your Local Public Library

Carly Rose Gillis
4 min readJun 3, 2022
Photo by chris robert on Unsplash

It’s day 207 of my current bout of writer’s block and I’m blaming it on everything, anything, but myself. Today, my apartment is the problem.

I recently moved in with my partner and it’s been a rocky week of unpacking, reorganizing, juggling childcare duties, and making (or cancelling) plans with various friends. I’m fried and under deadline for important strategy documents I need to write for my job — but all I have to show for multiple days in front of my computer is a blinking cursor.

My partner is o̶b̶s̶e̶s̶s̶e̶d̶ a huge fan of a podcast called The Blindboy Podcast — which is about many things related to the host’s Irish identity, creative process, and general pursuit of enlightenment — and in a recent episode, the host had talked about his general writing practice that includes going to a coffee shop for periods of uninterrupted writing time.

“I used to go to coffee shops to write, maybe I should try that again,” I muse aloud, begrudgingly.

“Maybe you should try that,” says my partner. “Or what about the library?”

What about the library, indeed! Reflexively, I defend my desire to go to a coffee shop, yet veiling the actual reason why I go (unlimited access to caffeine).



Carly Rose Gillis

content ops @Medium, & producer/writer for @dailynewsletter. also has done stuff at: Huffpost, Upworthy, Snopes, and even the NYCT, if you can believe it.