Phil Collins “Face Value” 

Albums for CEOs pt1: Phil Collins

The Carpe Diem Journals

Jeremy M Williams
The Carpe Diem Journals
3 min readDec 3, 2013


People say you are what you eat and you are who you hang around, but what about you think what you listen too?

As a child, I noticed earlier that the music soundtracks in movies varied greatly. Music that I understood played in the movies that featured places that I would never want to go or a life that I personally would never choose to live while music that I didn’t understand played in movies that featured places that I desperately wanted to go and lives that I couldn’t wait to live.

When I first listened to “Face Value” by Phil Collins I instantly connected to it because it was beyond noticeable that the record was strongly influenced by black american music. Beyond that fact, I was drawn in by the overall sonics of the album and the dark emotion of the lyrics “ In the Air Tonight”. I was introduced to this hit song as a young kid watching the sex scene on the train in the movie “Risky Business” with Phil Collins.

Poster cover of the movie “Risky Business” starring a young Tom Cruise.

Now I must say that this movie was freakin awesome even without that sex scene! I was likely around 8-9 years old when i seen this film and boy was it an awesome entry to entrepreneurship !! If you want to see what I mean and have time for a cool 1980's movie, you can watch it here for just $1.99 ….
Now back to “Face Value” :) LOL!

Overall, Face Value is pop music about personal turmoil and every leader goes through his or her’s own personal turmoil in one form or another.

There is something special when you listen to music that is so good and so sonic that the words blend into a melody-laced bath of vibes.
If you were to turn the lights of in your office and play this album, I believe the stresses of the day would be pulled and absorbed within the sonics of the album thus leaving you mentally light and ready for information reload by the end of the record. The complete record is a perfect sin eater for any stressed out executive.

I can envision myself blasting this record in my lamborghini one day as I cruise away from the office to meet the crew for an after work drink before going home to the lady in more positive spirits. How can you not envision yourself in a successful light with this record blasting through the stereo? Regardless of how you may hear the lyrics, this record is simply put (Decompression at its best)!

In Final, I believe that Phil Collins : “Face Value “ Album is a must have for every CEO or Business Leader who has more than sunny days in their lives. Phil gave color and sonics to emotion and we as business leaders need that melodic mixture in our lives to help mold a chaotic day into something a little more edible.

If you haven’t listened to Phil Collins “ Face Value”, I strongly suggest that you give it a focused listen here:



Jeremy M Williams
The Carpe Diem Journals

Empire Builder with a poetic mind. A “Luxury brand expert” with hard knocks life experience. A “Writer” who codes. A “Strategist” who designs.