3 Rising artists to keep an eye out for this year

By Petar Vidovic

The Carroll News
3 min readOct 26, 2017


Many artists are rising up from their respective fields and spreading new waves like wildfire. Three artists in varying locations around the world who specializing in drawing, photography and tattooing respectively are bringing new levels and ideas to the artistic world.

Mohammed Murib is a photographer from Columbus, OH. (Photo courtesy of Mohammed Murib).

First, we have a local photographer, Mohammed Murib. Murib is a native of Columbus, Ohio whose work can be described as urban with a focus in fashion and portrait. I had the honor of working with him recently and conducting a short interview. A large part of being an artist is creativity and perfecting your craft over time. Murib does this very well and he states, “I always try to one-up the last shoot I did to make sure I progress with my work.” Mirub continues,“The process itself is incredibly appealing to me as well, from creating an image in my head, taking the photo and editing the final picture, I carry myself through a wonderful creative series of events.”

Murib also states, “The process itself is enough to keep me in love with photography and constantly shooting. When you love doing something you never want to stop.”

Each artist tries to capture something in their work, and in his photography he says the things he attempts to capture most are, “life, movement, style and length.” After shooting with him I can confidently say he is as great a photographer as he is a human being.

To view some of Murib’s work, log onto his Instagram:


His very personal touch in his work can certainly be felt through viewing his drawings. (Photo courtesy of Kikkujo).

Next, we have Kikkujo who currently resides in London, England. I also had the privilege of interviewing this young artist via email.

Kikkujo describes his art and what he attempts to capture as, “a means of expressing the things that I feel, perceive and enjoy. In other words, very dear and personal to me. I am capturing myself and the things or different kinds of people around me.”

His very personal touch in his work can certainly be felt through viewing his drawings. He explains what keeps these drawings coming and the relentless need to create is, “the thrill of bringing the things in my head into something more tangible, as well as the personal connections people establish with my work.”

Finally, when asked about where he looks to take his work in the future, Kikkujo stated, “I hope that my work will provide me the privilege of going to different parts of the world sharing my illustrations, work with more of my inspirations; and create different things in different media/forms of art.” He dabbles in photography and has even set up an instagram page by the username serahgerus, where he shares some of that work. No matter where he turns his head in art, whether it be drawing or photography, Kikkujo leaves his uniquely creative footprint.

To see more of his work you can check out his instagram: @kikkujo.

Oozy is a prominent tattoo artist who mainly does black and white tattoos, only incorporating a pop of color. (Photo courtesy of Oozy).

Finally, Oozy from Seoul, South Korea. He is a prominent tattoo artist who does mainly black and white tattoos, and when he rarely includes color, he knows how to make it pop. Some describe his work as horror, sci-fi and animation. He is a perfect example of an incredibly unique artist that has found a niche-style. Some of his work is featured below:

To see more of his unique tattoos you can take a look at his instagram: @oozy_tattoo.



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Reductio Ad Absurdum. An abundance of scattered thoughts below;