The Carroll News Presents…the 2018 JCU Power Couples

Compiled by Omar Meza

Omie Meza
The Carroll News
4 min readFeb 17, 2018


Lauren and Zack

Year: Juniors

Lauren Opalenik is an Industrial/Organizational Psychology major with a minor in Sociology/Criminology. Zack Brady is both a Biology major and Sociology/Criminology major. The two have been dating for a year and nine months now and find that they can be their truest selves with each other. They want the world to know that they are each other’s best friends and that their lives are millions of times happier, joyous, humorous and loving.

Colin and Amy

Year: First-Years

Colin Hirsch is a double major in Marketing and Sports Management and Amy Morris is a Psychology major with a concentration in Neuroscience. The two met during Streak Week on the Service Day, where Colin grew fond of Amy and made sure they ended up in the same group at the end of the event, followed by lunch together. The rest is history and they’ve been together ever since!

Jason and Xiaoting

Xiaoting Wei is an International Business major and Jason Guo is a Finance major. They met each other at an Indians’ game where it actually ended up getting cancelled due to rain. Xiaoting and Jason were soaked from the rain and bonded over the experience. The two have been dating for a little over two years now. They are very different but complement each other well when it comes to personality and height. They want the world to know that as long as two hearts are in the same place, height is never a problem. “We hope everyone has the courage to chase the one they love.”

Alejandro and Paige

Alejandro Charette is a Sports Studies major while Paige Rost is an Integrated Marketing Communications major. Alejandro is known for being on the football team, while Paige is often seen dancing in front of a crowd on the JCU Dance Team. The two met in the library furiously studying for finals in Spring of 2017 and had their first date in the Metroparks, which turned into a run through a rainstorm. The two love to have weekly dates at Barrio to eat their favorite, tacos, together. The two are supportive of everything they do , being each other’s biggest fans when it comes to their extracurriculars.

Jack and Daniela

Jack Selman is a General Psychology major and Dani Carrera is an Industrial/Organizational Psychology major with a minor in Business. The two met in the fall in a Psychology class in which Jack was the TA and Dani was assigned to his group. Even though they haven’t been dating for very long, they feel extremely comfortable with each other. Coming from different cultural backgrounds, they always find their relationship interesting and always an opportunity to grow and learn. Jack spent a part of his winter break visiting Dani in her hometown of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where he met Dani’s friends from home and had his first out-of-country experience.

Hannah and Steven

Year: Sophomore & Junior

Steven Nikolakis is a Marketing major with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Hannah Hill is a Management and Human Resources major. The two met at Kappa Alpha Theta’s semi-formal in which they bonded over the fact that there were not enough chicken tenders at the dance. The two are extremely supportive of each other when it comes to their various hobbies and responsibilities, making them both independent but also connected during the best times. The two would want the world to know that they are each other’s best friends and that no matter what, they can make each other’s day a little brighter.



Omie Meza
The Carroll News

Creativity is life’s way of saying “everything will be okay.”