Burrow Buddies: Office Burrow Etiquette — How to Share Space and Make Everybunny Happy

Anne M Smith
The Carrot and the Corner Office
8 min read5 days ago
Throwback Thursday: Kenny and his first burrow buddy, proving different species can share space beautifully!

Hello there, lovely burrow buddies! It’s your pal Kenny here, ready to hop through the wonderful world of office etiquette. But before we dive in, I’d like to share a little story from my past.

You see, my journey in learning to share space didn’t start in an office — it began in a cozy home with an unexpected roommate. That handsome Australian Shepherd you see next to tiny me? He was my first lesson in coexistence. From 3 months to 10 months old, we shared blankets, playtime, and yes, sometimes even personal space. Though circumstances changed and I found my forever home with a new family, those early experiences taught me valuable lessons about adaptability, respect, and the joy of diverse companionship.

Now, I know what you’re thinking — “Kenny, how does snuggling with a dog translate to office etiquette?” Well, my fluffy friends, the principles are surprisingly similar! Whether you’re sharing a blanket with a canine companion or a cubicle with a human colleague, the keys to harmony remain the same: consideration, communication, and a willingness to adapt.

So, let’s explore some sweet tips to make our shared burrow a better place! After all, if a bunny and a dog can make it work, surely we can create a harmonious habitat for everybunny in the office.

1. The Aroma Adventure

We all have our favorite snacks (strawberries, anyone?), but remember that some scents can be overwhelming for our sensitive-nosed neighbors. Let’s keep our personal aromas mild and pleasant. Your cube-mate will appreciate your thoughtfulness! Consider keeping a small air freshener or a potted lavender plant at your desk for a subtle, pleasant scent. And if you’re bringing in a particularly fragrant lunch, why not suggest eating in the breakroom? It’s a great opportunity to socialize and keep the main office smelling fresh!

Speaking of scents, let’s not forget about our personal hygiene. While we bunnies are naturally clean creatures, our human colleagues might appreciate a little extra effort. A light, fresh cologne or perfume can be nice, but remember — a little goes a long way! Think of it like seasoning a salad: just a sprinkle is enough to enhance, not overpower. And if you’re sensitive to smells yourself, don’t be afraid to kindly mention it to your burrow-mates. Clear communication is the key to a happy, sweet-smelling office!

2. Cheerful Chatter Control

It’s wonderful to be excited about your weekend adventures, but remember that some bunnies might be trying to concentrate. Save those delightful stories for lunch breaks or after-work hops. Your colleagues will be all ears when the time is right! If you need to have a quick chat, consider using your “indoor bunny voice” or step into a quieter area. For longer conversations, why not schedule a coffee break? It’s a win-win: you get to share your stories, and your colleagues can stay focused when they need to.

On the flip side, don’t be a hibernating hermit! Building relationships with your burrow-mates is important too. Try to find a balance between focused work time and social time. Maybe you could organize a weekly “Carrot Cake Friday” where everyone takes a short break to catch up? It’s all about creating those moments of connection without disrupting the workflow. Remember, a harmonious burrow is one where everybunny feels both productive and connected!

3. Cozy Without Crowding

We all love to make our space comfy, but let’s be mindful of our paw print. Keep your personal items within your own little meadow, and everyone will have room to flourish. Sharing is caring in our office field! Get creative with vertical space — use desk organizers or wall-mounted shelves to maximize your area without encroaching on others. And remember, a tidy desk not only looks great but can also boost your productivity. Maybe we could have a monthly “burrow beautification day” where we all spruce up our spaces together!

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, “But Kenny, I need ALL my stuff!” I hear you, my pack-rat pals. Here’s a tip: try the “one in, one out” rule. For every new item you bring to your desk, find one to take home. It’s like a little feng shui for your workspace! And don’t forget to personalize your space in ways that don’t take up room. A small photo frame, a inspiring quote on a sticky note, or a cute screensaver can make your space feel like home without cluttering up the joint. Remember, the goal is to create a space that makes you happy without making your neighbors feel like they’re squeezing through a rabbit warren!

4. Microwave Mindfulness

When heating up your lunch, think of it as preparing a treat for the whole burrow. Opt for foods with gentle aromas that won’t overpower our shared space. Your burrow-mates will be grateful for your consideration! If you’re unsure about a particular dish, you could always ask a friendly colleague for their opinion. And here’s a helpful tip: keeping a microwave cover handy can prevent splatters and contain smells. Let’s make our lunch breaks a pleasant experience for everybunny!

But microwave etiquette doesn’t stop at smell control. Let’s talk about microwave manners! If there’s a queue, be mindful of your cooking time. Maybe save that 10-minute baked potato for home and opt for quicker heats during busy periods. And please, oh please, clean up any spills right away. Nobody wants to reheat their carrots in a microwave that looks like it’s been through a food fight! Lastly, if you notice the microwave needs a good clean, why not take the initiative? Your colleagues will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and you’ll be contributing to a cleaner, happier office environment. Remember, a little consideration goes a long way in keeping our shared spaces as fresh as a spring meadow!

5. Hoppy Headphone Habits

Music can make our day brighter, but not everyone grooves to the same beat. And let me tell you, as someone who hears heavy metal blasting through our home office/warren every day, I can confidently say it’s not everybunny’s cup of carrot juice. (My eardrums are still recovering from last week’s impromptu death metal concert. Who knew humans could make such… interesting noises?) Use headphones to enjoy your tunes, and you’ll be dancing through your tasks without disturbing others. It’s like a silent disco for productive bunnies!

Remember to keep the volume at a level where you can still hear if a colleague needs your attention. We don’t want any missed connections just because you were jamming too hard! And here’s a fun idea: why not create a shared playlist for those times when we all want to enjoy some music together? It could be a fun way to discover new tunes and bond as a team. Each week, a different team member could be in charge of the playlist. Just maybe keep the heavy metal to a minimum for the sake of your bunny coworkers’ sensitive ears. Who knows, you might discover your new favorite carrot-chopping jam!

6. The Borrowing Bunch

Need to borrow something? Just ask with a smile! We’re all part of the same warren, after all. And remember, returning things promptly (maybe with a little thank-you note) spreads joy faster than bunnies multiply! To make borrowing easier for everyone, consider creating a small “community corner” where people can leave items they’re happy to share. And if you frequently need to borrow the same item, why not bring your own to keep at your desk? It’s a small investment that can make a big difference in office harmony.

Now, let’s hop to the other side of the fence. If you’re the one being asked to lend something, try to do so with a generous heart. Yes, even if it’s your lucky stapler or your favorite pen. Sharing is a two-way burrow, after all! But it’s also okay to politely say no if you’re not comfortable lending something out. Clear communication prevents misunderstandings and keeps our office relationships blooming like spring flowers. And here’s a sweet idea: why not start an office “lending library” for books, magazines, or even office supplies? It could be a fun way to share resources and maybe even spark some interesting lunch break conversations!

7. Gentle Grooming Guidance

We all want to look our best, but save the major pampering for home. A quick brush here and there is fine, but let’s keep the office fur-free for everyone’s comfort. You’re beautiful just as you are! If you need to freshen up during the day, consider keeping a small grooming kit in your desk drawer for quick touch-ups in the restroom. And remember, true beauty comes from within — your kindness and consideration for others make you shine brighter than any perfectly groomed fur!

That being said, let’s talk about the elephant (or should I say, the long-eared hare) in the room: shedding. As bunnies, we can’t help but leave a little fluff behind, but we can be mindful about it. Keep a small lint roller at your desk for quick clean-ups. If you notice you’ve left some fur on a shared chair or sofa, take a moment to tidy up. Your colleagues will appreciate your thoughtfulness! And hey, if you’re having a particularly fluffy day, why not make a joke about it? A little self-deprecating humor can go a long way in keeping the office atmosphere light and friendly. After all, we’re all in this together, fur and all!

Remember, my fellow fluffballs, a little kindness goes a long way in creating a happy, hoppy workplace. By being thoughtful and considerate, we can turn our office into the most delightful meadow this side of the carrot patch! Let’s challenge ourselves to perform one act of office kindness each day — whether it’s helping a colleague with a task, leaving an encouraging note, or simply sharing a warm smile. Together, we can create a work environment that’s as cozy and welcoming as a warm spring day!

Wishing you all a day as bright as a summer sunflower! Let’s make our shared space as warm and welcoming as a cozy burrow.

With love and whisker twitches,

Kenny 🐰💕



Anne M Smith
The Carrot and the Corner Office

Hopping into careers with practical wisdom and a sprinkle of hare-larious advice.