Why we’re investing in tomorrow’s Design Thinkers

As part of our Summer of Good program, we gave $10,000 to shape tomorrow’s next generation of design thinkers.

Ryan Mulloy
The CE+Co Way


Through Design for Change USA–a non-profit dedicated to creating the next generation of Change Makers through design thinking–we have donated $10,000 to help their team get to the global stage in Spain and China so they can share their story with the world.

Why does Design for Change mean so much to us?

Well for one, it’s these kids. Their stories are amazing.

Kids today are smarter and more connected to their communities than ever before, so when you provide them with an opportunity to make a difference, they do it in a big way.

Design for Change is bringing this opportunity to hundreds of kids across the country.

They’re not just solving small problems either, they’re taking on real community problems and solving root causes rather than symptoms. It’s what the world needs and–we‘ll be the first to admit–our donation pales in comparison to the change they’re really bringing to the world.

Our inspiration doesn’t stop there though because behind every one of these brilliant kids and every successful DFC program, you’ll find Sanjli. Sanjli Gidwaney (Director of DFC USA) is constantly traveling across the country teaching the teachers of America so our kids can have the opportunity to create meaningful change in a complex world.

The kids, Sanjli, DFC, and the mission they’re all on is what drives us to be a company for good.

How design thinkers help our business

Carter Edwards & Company is a Boston-based agency that helps organizations create great experiences for customers, employees, and even the communities around us.

Put simply, we solve problems for people…and design thinking is key to helping us get there. It’s an approach that helps us dig deeper into business problems and solve for things that would have otherwise gone unrealized. For us, design thinking…

  • helps us solve for the root causes instead of the symptoms.
  • encourages getting out from behind the desk and into the world so we can identify with people’s experiences first-hand.
  • demands that we co-create solutions with the people using our products & services.
  • helps us learn from doing through rapid ideation and prototyping.

This is why we’re committing ourselves to people like Sanjli and organizations like Design for Change.

This is why we created Carter Edwards & Company.

