John Podesta owns a Hot Dog Stand in Hawaii

Del Gulliver
The Casual Holster
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2016

So, apparently with the release of #Podesta18 by everyone’s favorite source, Wikileaks, more and more emails are being dropped to be searched through. Of course, corruption and cronyism is going to be the blasting trumpet of the major news outlets, but you know what? We’re not a major news outlet. So, why not look at some fun stuff in the emails?

This email comes from, who I can only assume is Todd Stern. Though, to be fair, I am not really that up-to-date with my political figures in random departments.

Anyway, SternTD writes J-Podz an email about how his/her next three months are going to be really difficult internally versus in Beijing (o.O). Can’t say I know what (s)he’s exactly talking about here, as well as there isn’t a predating email for this, nor did J-Podz ever respond to this email. “SternTD unbelievable” really misses Podesta and his hot dog stand in Hawaii… Hot dog stand? What hot dog stand? Why are you dreaming about it? Who the hell even dreams about hot dog stands? I don’t think I do. Not that I can remember anyway, so those must have been some damn good hot dogs. Hopefully, he has a Chicago dog I can chow down on when I go to Hawaii next year (yeah right).

I searched the internet about J-Podz and Hawaii and didn’t really come up with much. Nor could I really find any other information about hot dogs in the newly released batch of emails. Podesta and Hawaii are nonexistent on the internet, which really saddens me.

The only tangible thing I could really find was the email Hillary sent about how she likes her hot dog, which is a sin against tube shaped food…

I hope to find this phantom hot dog stand so I too can dream of it.



Del Gulliver
The Casual Holster

Del. Gul. DG. I have many names. More notably as Sunrise City’s The Casual Holster “content commander”, famously known as “salty asshole” by my wife. Hop aboard