Taylor Swift: Saving the NFL One Scarf at a Time

Del Gulliver
The Casual Holster
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2023
See? I can photoshop.

Ah, the NFL. Where men are men, women are sideline eye candy and the only thing more confusing than the rules is what Roger Goodell is wearing. But fear not, football fans! For a savior has emerged from the shimmering depths of pop music: Taylor Swift.

Yes, that’s right, the woman who once sang about wearing “a cardigan on an airplane” is now the unlikely hero of a league known for hard hits and even harder scandals. But how, you ask? How could this princess of pop possibly be relevant to the rough and tumble world of professional football?

Well, let’s just say Taylor Swift is more than just your run of the mill celebrity. Swift is a marketing machine, a branding powerhouse, a walking, talking human algorithm that knows exactly how to tap into the hearts and wallets of millions.

And who are those millions, you ask? Well, they’re not just the beer-guzzling, hot dog-munching, sports-fan stereotypes of old. They’re millennials. They’re Gen Z. They’re the TikTok generation with attention spans shorter than a Brett Favre comeback attempt (and something else of his). And guess who they absolutely adore?

Taylor Swift.

So, how is the NFL leveraging this pop culture phenomenon? By doing what they do best: exploiting her for all she’s worth. They’ve plastered her face on everything from jerseys to merchandise, hoping that some of her star power will rub off on their aging brand. They’ve even made her appearances at games a media spectacle, turning what should be a casual outing into a paparazzi-filled event.

And you know what? It’s working. Ratings are up, merchandise is flying off the shelves, and suddenly, football is cool again. At least, for a certain demographic where the NFL has routinely struggled with.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Taylor Swift may be a marketing asset, but she’s not a miracle worker. She can’t turn a flawed league with a history of controversy into a beacon of social justice overnight. She can’t make the officiating any less confusing (though, I’d love to hear her take on touchception). And she certainly can’t make Tom Brady unretire (again).

So, while we can all appreciate the temporary boost Taylor Swift has given the NFL, let’s not forget that the league has a long way to go before it can truly capture the hearts and minds of a new generation. And honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor herself gets tired of the whole charade and moves on to the next big thing.

Because after all, in the ever-changing world of pop culture, one thing is certain: nothing lasts forever, not even Taylor Swift’s love for the NFL.



Del Gulliver
The Casual Holster

Del. Gul. DG. I have many names. More notably as Sunrise City’s The Casual Holster “content commander”, famously known as “salty asshole” by my wife. Hop aboard