10 Ways Twin Flame Connections Feel Divine

Here’s what people mean when they describe this love in almost-religious terms

Laura Rosell
The Casual Mystic


Photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels

People talk about twin flame love like it’s the holy grail of heart-and-soul connections. I don’t really view it that way. Love itself is the essence of the divine. All relationships play a sacred role in the journey of our souls. And everyone is capable of loving profoundly and unconditionally — as the divine does.

What makes twin flames any different? Well, twin flame love feels a bit more nakedly divine.

I like to say that twin flame love isn’t “more” or “better;” it’s just experienced on a different level. Think of it like synesthesia: some people can “taste” colors and “see” sounds, but even non-synesthetics inarguably have a full and rich experience of color and sound without all the bells and whistles. Twin flame love is like that: love is perfectly full and rich without any mystical flavor, but twin flames do experience a mystical flavor. It’s part of how they were made to experience each other. Which is why it’s hard for them not to feel like they’re missing out when other loves don’t light their soul up in the same way.

Curious what this “divine” connection feels like? Read on.




Laura Rosell
The Casual Mystic

Love, sex, dreams, soul, adventure, healing, feeling. Available for projects. https://ko-fi.com/lmrosell