5 Novels With Deeply Spiritual Themes

Reincarnation! Spirit communication! Twin flames!

Laura Rosell
The Casual Mystic


Person in brown t-shirt, standing in front of a bookshelf, holding a letter-board that says “BUY SOME GOOD BOOKS!”
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Although I’m a nerd whose day job revolves around the research world, I am very much a mystic at heart — one of those tarot-reading, energy-working, past-life-believing types. I tend to feel bored with books about spirituality though, because: a) if the message doesn’t resonate, it feels like nonsense, and b) if it does resonate, it feels like nothing new.

You know what excites me instead? Getting lost in a novel that speaks to mystical truths — especially when I can relate to trippier elements of the plot, while the characters are ‘normal’ people.

Did all these authors know they were illustrating such truths? Who can say? But these books dazzled my very soul.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle — Haruki Murakami (1994)

I read this 8 years ago on a friend’s recommendation, at a very strange time: I was 30 and trying to process how my reality had recently split itself open and revealed a whole other layer beneath the surface — namely, karmic remnants of a World War II existence. Well, in The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, the protagonist Toru is also 30, and what begins as a quest to resolve unsettled questions in his love life takes an unexpected, reality-splitting detour into…



Laura Rosell
The Casual Mystic

Love, sex, dreams, soul, adventure, healing, feeling. Available for projects. https://ko-fi.com/lmrosell