Five Podcasts That Every Entrepreneur Should Listen šŸ’Æ

They are surely going to make you a smarter person

The Catalyst
4 min readSep 3, 2017


Being an entrepreneur is not easy, itā€™s not always about unicorns and rainbows. It takes lot of hard work, dedication and talent, luck, being at the correct place at the correct time.

But there are people who made it to the top and there are lessons that we can learn from them. As I wrote in one of my earlier post I love listening to podcasts, and here are 5 awesome podcasts that every entrepreneur should listen to.

1. How I Built This with Guy Ruz

This is one podcast that I started listening to from itā€™s very first episode. Itā€™s all about people who made something great, and the podcast talks about their success, failures and the mistakes they made along the way.

How I Built This is a podcast about innovators, entrepreneurs, and idealists, and the stories behind the movements they built. ā€” NPR

Some of the notable episodes include, the story about Instagram with Kevin Systrom, the episode about BuzzFeed and the AirBnb episode with Joe Gebbia.

2. The Startup ā€” By Gimlet Media

The startup by Gimlet media is another great podcast series that covers the stories behind startups and the entrepreneurs that try to make something for themselves.

Not only they cover the bright side about of being an entrepreneur but also they cover the dark side and the difficulties people face and the failures and missed opportunities in the past so that people can learn a lesson from them.

They are into season 6 and most notable episodes include the episode about the origin of Twitch, the story behind the rise and the fall of American Apparel and the episode about Friendster and how it lost to Facebook.

3. Masters of Scale by Reid Hoffman

Reid Hoffman is the founder of Linkedin, and Masters of Scale is his podcast where he talks with various people who built and scaled companies into unicorns.

In Masters of Scale Reid Hoffman talks with some of the biggest entrepreneurs out there, almost every episode is with someone big in tech, some of the notable podcasts include the episode with Mark Zuckerberg about Facebook, with Sheryl Sandberg and with Eric Schmidt of Google.

If youā€™re not embarrassed by your first product release, youā€™ve released it too late ā€” Mark Zuckerberg

4. The Internet History Podcast

The internet history podcasts talks about everything from the netscape to iPad, some of the podcasts are narrative stories while others are interviews with the real people associated with the stories.

And unlike the previous 3 podcasts that I mentioned earlier the internet history podcast is different because some of the stories go one or two decades back and most of them are stories that we are not familiar with.

5. Gary Vaynerchuk

Well if you donā€™t know who Gary Vaynerchuk is I suggest itā€™s time you Google about him, he is a successful entrepreneur and is a social media specialist.

He is always on the lookout for the next big thing and not only he has a podcast but also his vlog, facebook page, instagram page are all filled with small posts and video clips where he talks about hustling and making it big in your own business.

Iā€™m sure you will find most of his speeches and talks inspiring and will definitely give you some idea about being an entrepreneur.

His podcast is called ā€˜The Gary Vee Audio Experienceā€™

If you want to start your own business or wants to be an entrepreneur then these are some of the most useful podcasts that you will come across.

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The Catalyst

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. āœŒ