I Told My Friends I That Want Financial Independence 😱

You won’t believe what they told me in return

The Catalyst
2 min readAug 28, 2017


Recently I was talking with couple of nurses at the place I was working, it was just some watercooler talk just to pass time. And I was told them about a recent article I read on the internet about how a man retired at the age of 34 after achieving his financial independence.

Since I was young I always wanted to be free, to live a life without worrying about money and not thinking about going bankrupt. But whenever I tell talk about this with someone the response is always the same, including my nursing friends.

It’s never going to work, do your job, take the amount of money you’re getting, get married, settle down to a life.

Does this always have to be like that? Don’t you like to quit your job at 45, spend the rest of your time with your children? Travel around the world? Read a good book, wake up everyday without worrying you have to answer your boss?

I guess that’s how most people think about achieving financial freedom, like chasing for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

When I tweeted about it I realized I’m the only one who thinks like this

If you are someone who doesn’t believe what I say this is how it feels like,

Have you ever woke up thinking it was Sunday morning but it was actually Saturday instead? It was like that but 1,000 times better because it wasn’t just an extra day off that you didn’t expect but the rest of your life!

I don’t know whether it’s something achievable, but still it’s always better to try 💪



The Catalyst

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌