It’s Not God It’s Science

Science vs Church as abortion debate continues

The Catalyst
2 min readAug 31, 2017


We have been trying to legalize abortion in this country for a long time, and whenever people have come close to making it a law the only thing that held it back were the various religious organizations.

This is not the first time people have come close to legalizing abortion, I remember few years ago at a lecture how close doctors came in to making abortion a law and how they failed because of the resistance put on by the religious groups and the government back then was afraid there will be a great unrest in the country if this abortion becomes a law.

Politics and religion go hand in hand in this country, and religion will play a bigger role whether the government can keep the power than science.

In the new law they are suggesting abortion is only possible,

  • If a lady gets pregnant due to rape or against her will.
  • If the fetus is suffering from a non viable condition and will die after giving birth.

But religion has come in between science as always with the cardinal and the church opposing the law,

According to church all children are given by god, yes even children as a result of rape, and all other children with various diseases and disabilities.

Well, let us be clear on this, we know thanks to science how we reproduce as a species, so unless the church can prove otherwise and that’s it’s all god’s will then we as doctors and scientists can reconsider about their views of life and abortion.

Until then this law must move forward, and we should see controlled abortion become a reality within this year or the next.

It’s Not God It’s Science



The Catalyst

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌