There Are Pearls Within Everyone 💍

How my friend gave me a valuable life lesson today

The Catalyst
2 min readSep 7, 2017


Today a senior colleague of mine gave me a very valuable life lesson he has learnt in his many years of work as a doctor.

As story as narrated by my friend,

When he was a medical student, one of his lecturers came for a lecture with his shoes in his hands. And my friends began laughing. The lecturer never bothered to answer the students, he went on to the stage sat down in his chair and calmly put on his shoes.

Only after putting on his shoes he said,

‘Now that all of you finished laughing let me ask you a question, when I was putting on my shoes and tying my shoelaces, how many of you though the mechanisms, the joints the muscles I have used to put on my shoes? How many though of the anatomy and the physiology behind it?’

Well then only the we began to think, no one bothered to think about it in such a point of view, everyone was quick to have a good laugh out of it no one bothered to think about it in such a way, but if there was at least few students who thought about it in such a way they would have learnt a lot from a very small incident.

He finally said,

There are pearls in everyone’s even in the most stupid and in people we tend to ignore, and most of the time we tend to see these pearls and throw it away or ignore them as just rocks, but if you look close enough you will realize that they are no ordinary rocks but actual pearls.



The Catalyst

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌