Why are you using Facebook?

I have come to a point where I question why I use Facebook and what I read online

The Catalyst
3 min readOct 15, 2017


Looking at what people are sharing on my news feed I thought about writing this long rant.

I have been using Facebook for a very long time, and to be honest I think I have come to a point where I begin to question the reason why I am using Facebook, is it to stay updated about my friends? because that is not happening as I am not seeing everything that my friends are sharing about themselves.

Is it for entertainment? because I don’t think Facebook is giving me the entertainment I want, torrents and YouTube and TV provide that for me.

Sometimes I aimlessly go through the feed to hoping something interesting will pop up, but in between endless memes, and racists rants and click bait news I see very little stuff that I find interesting.

The attention span of an average human being has gone down dramatically over the last decade.

When it comes to interesting content, what do you think about the value of the content people are sharing on Facebook, Twitter and other social media especially when it comes to Sri Lankan content?

Do you like the clickbait posts, celebrity gossip or fake news and do you think it’s giving you and value in reading them? I felt really sad about the things people will have to read in the future on the internet and media alike.

Our generation grew up by good Sri Lankan and international literature that we used to read as kids and because we have read them we don’t feel that much sorry about the online ‘garbage’ that we come across every day.

But what about our children who will be exposed to this internet from their childhood, what do you feel when you think they have read the online ‘garbage’ instead of all the good literature and content out there?

How many websites are out there that we can say they are making good content?

It is already happening today, as people read these instant articles and tweets, the attention span of an average human being has gone down dramatically over the last decade and the average length of an article or post has also gone down accordingly as they media websites also shrink their content to entertain the masses.

There is still good content being made online especially in other countries, investigative journalism still happens today, The New York Times, The Washington Post and similar websites still produce high-quality content, but what about Sri Lanka? How many websites are out there that we can say they are making good content?

What do you think about this lowering of content quality on the internet? What can people do to fix this?

Have you read up to here? Great I guess you can keep your attention after all. Let me know what you think in a comment.



The Catalyst

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌