You Were All Using Antibiotics Wrong In Your Whole Life

A thing or two to know about antibiotics

The Catalyst
2 min readAug 29, 2017


We all take antibiotics for granted, most of us use antibiotics as if you’re using paracetamol, or a contraceptive pill. You can even get some antibiotics as over the counter drugs.

But did you know that all of you were not using antibiotics correctly?

1. You don’t need antibiotics for the common cold

Yes, you don’t have to take amoxicillin or any other antibiotic for the common cold, you will not get any cure from antibiotics. Why? because antibiotics as the name suggests works on bacteria, but common cold is mostly due to viruses.

And antibiotics have no effect on viruses.

2. Antibiotics have their own complications

Every drug has their own set of complications, antibiotics are no different. Depending on how they act antibiotics can cause different complications, like from diarrhoea to allergic reaction.

If you use antibiotics without a doctor's recommendation you’re exposing yourself for these complications.

3. Bacteria can develop resistant

This is by far the most important fact, as bacterias can evolve just like any other organism on the planet, they will develop resistance to antibiotics. One of the most greatest problem in antibiotic abuse is development of bacterial resistance towards the antibiotic.

As the name suggests, resistance means that the antibiotic will no longer work on that targeted organism.

Why? Because if an organism develops resistance to an antibiotic doctors have no choice but to use a stronger antibiotic, which will be more expensive and can have more complications.

This development of complications has long been a problem and it is a reason why most older antibiotics no longer work today. And if this continues one day you won’t have a cure for the most simplest of infections.

Did you know?

  • 90% of GPs felt under pressure from patients to prescribe them an antibiotic.
  • 70% of GPs prescribe antibiotics when they are not sure whether they are treating a viral or a bacterial infection.
  • $9% of GPs prescribe antibiotics at least once a week without knowing whether they are necessary.

What should you do?

  • Allow a doctor to decide when to start and stop antibiotics.
  • Don’t use over the counter antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.
  • Make sure you tell your doctor about your history with allergies before he prescribes you an antibiotic.
  • Educate everyone about the danger in antibiotic resistance and the wise use of antibiotics.



The Catalyst

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌