If God is Loving, How Could He Allow So Much Suffering?

Where is the God of Love when I hurt?

Photo by Ratiu Bia on Unsplash

There are times when we’re just so lonely and hurting that we can’t help but wonder if there is indeed a God who sees us, a God to whom we can go to when we have no one else, not even our own strength.

But we are disheartened by our miseries, and by all the tragedies we see in the world. In our minds, we fail to see a good God who cares for His children. We ask, “How can there be a God in all these?”

Is There a God?

If I say that there is no God, I’d say there is no God who is responsible for all the unfairness and brutalities in this life, but then I’d also say that there is no hope for all the victims of these brutalities. So I’d say there is a God, and that there is hope, and all is not yet lost.

Some people say that there is so much darkness in this world, and that is why we shouldn’t believe in God anymore. But I say that it is because there is so much darkness that I dare declare there is a God who can all bring us into the light. Jesus suffered and died, but God did not stop there. Jesus came out from death and lived again, and that is God’s plan for everyone.

