The Carrying of the Cross

Reflection on the Fourth Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary

The Carrying of the Cross
 Reflection on the Fourth Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary
Image by Harry Fabel from Pixabay

21 They compelled one passing by, coming from the country, Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to go with them that he might bear his cross. 22 They brought him to the place called Golgotha, which is, being interpreted, “The place of a skull.”
(Mark 15:21–22, WEBBE)


How many times have you felt like the weight of your cross is too heavy for you to bear? How many times have you fallen and felt as though you could never get up again?

It’s not easy to carry our cross. Many times, we feel tired. Sometimes, we don’t even know how long we can still go on.

We see others succeed as though they don’t have any burden to bear. People praise them and look up to them. And no one seems to care about the crosses we bear. Worse, we often feel that we are being unjustly punished in life. That we don’t deserve our many troubles.

As we meditate upon this mystery today, let us remember how Jesus carried His cross. Of all people, Jesus never deserved to be punished. For what evil has He done? All He did was help people. He fed the hungry, He gave sight to the blind, He cured the sick, He even made the dead to rise again.

