This Could Be the Reason You’re Not Hearing God’s Voice

When you’re trying to discern God’s will for your life

Image from Canva

Have you ever had those times when you felt like you needed to hear God’s voice so much but you fail to hear anything coming from Him? Have you ever had moments when you just want to know whether doing something is His will for you or not?

Why do we have times of serious doubt and receive no answer from God?

Why don’t we hear His voice in times when we feel we need Him most?

There are several things that can affect our discernment of God’s will for our lives. I have discussed some of these in my article “What Is God Doing In Times When He Is Silent?”

But I would like to discuss another reason on this post that may not have been written often.

If you are not hearing God’s voice, it is quite possible that you are afraid of surrendering everything to God. Because of this, you may be more intent on wanting to receive a sign approving a course of action that you like rather than truly knowing God’s will for you.

I’m not saying this is always the case. It is not. There are many other reasons such as God’s timing and God wanting us to use our freewill.

But we must we must also ask ourselves whether we’re somehow afraid of God’s true will for us.

Are we not hearing His voice because we don’t want Him to be speaking in a certain way? Are we secretly hoping He’d point a way that we prefer instead of showing us the best way? Are we holding on to something we just can’t give up fully to God?

Call to Him today and pray that you may desire His will. The answer may not always come at a time or way that we like, but if we persist in all sincerity and faith, God will lead us to the right path.

“Call to me, and I will answer you, and will show you great and difficult things, which you don’t know.” — Jeremiah 33:3, WEBBE

Do you have any questions to God? You may want to take a look at my book “Questions to God” — click here.

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To Love an Invisible God

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366 Days of Compassion

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Jocelyn Soriano is a Catholic devotional writer and poet. Aside from Medium, she also writes at I Take Off the Mask and Single Catholic Writer.

