Why Can’t We Receive God’s Blessings?

God longs to give us good things but few are able to receive His gifts

If someone were to give you a brand new car or a beautiful house, would you receive it? What if someone were to give you a precious and rare kind of jewel? Would you take it?

It may not be easy to understand, but some people would refuse such gifts outright. In the same way, not everyone could receive the blessings we are being given each day.

Why? What keeps a person from receiving a gift, a very precious and significant gift?

Following are some of the things I thought would prevent us from receiving the blessings/ gifts the good Lord is giving us:

1. Hostility/ doubt towards the Giver

It doesn’t matter sometimes how beautiful or precious a gift is as long as we do not approve of the giver.

Who would ever receive a gift from someone he or she doesn’t trust? From someone we think has a hidden agenda or a vested interest? From someone scary? From someone we utterly hate?

We are unable to receive many gifts not because the gifts aren’t good but because we do not approve of the giver.

“But now they have seen and also hated both me and my…

